Published 2013-11-28
- Hans-Georg Gadamer,
- man,
- world,
- language,
- ontology
- hermeneutics,
- intellect,
- logos,
- Truth and Method ...More
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In his masterpiece, Truth and Method, Gadamer seeks to resolve the fracture between being and truth produced in Modernity by the primacy of self consciousness and scientism. Gadamer finds in language (logos) the ultimate ground for the correspondence of finite human intellect and being, without being forced to return to the classical metaphysical assertion that held God as the foundation of the adaequatio rei et intellectus. For Gadamer in language man and world are inseparably intertwined. As a consequence, within logos every ontological difference disappears, dissolving the being of man into the infinite historical becoming of the real protagonist: language.
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- Gadamer, H. G. (1977). Verdad y método. Salamanca: Sígueme.
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- ____ (1987). Die philosophischen Grundlagen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. En Gesammelte Werke, 4.
- Greisch, J. (1993). Hermeneutik und Metaphysik. Eine Problemgeschichte. Manchen: Wilhelm Fink.
- Grondin, J. (2002). Gadamer’s Understanding of Understanding. En The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer. R. J. Dostal (ed.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Habermas, J. (1987). Urbanizzazione della provincia heideggeriana. En Aut-Aut, 217-218.
- Heidegger, M. (1976). Brief über den ‘Humanismus’. En Gesamtausgabe, 9.
- Inciarte, F. (1986). Hermenéutica y sistemas filosóficos. En Biblia y Hermenéutica. AA. VV. Pamplona: EUNSA.
- Mura, G. (1990). Ermeneutica e verità. Storia e problema della filosofia dell’interpretazione. Roma: Città Nuova.