Número 30 Bis

Entre lo accidental y lo aparente: la peculiar constelación causal del azar según Aristóteles

Gabriela Rossi
Universidad de Salamanca, España

Published 2013-11-28


  • Aristotle,
  • Physics,
  • chance,
  • causes.

How to Cite

Rossi, G. (2013). Entre lo accidental y lo aparente: la peculiar constelación causal del azar según Aristóteles. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 147-170. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i0.207


This paper deals with Aristotle’s concept of chance, such as it is presented in Physics II 4-6. The central section of the article concentrates on an analysis of Aristotle’s definition of chance and its essential peculiarities: the fact of being an incidental (efficient) cause and the fact of existing in the domain of what is for the sake of an end. According to Rossi, both characteristics would correspond to a causal aspect (in an incidental sense) and to a non causal aspect (or just apparently causal) of chance. Finally, the author also tries to show the structural connection between the aforementioned aspects, taking as a key point the thesis of coincidence among the formal, final, and efficient causes.


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