Published 2013-11-28
- Virtue,
- happiness,
- autarchy,
- ergon,
- external goods
- Aristotle,
- stoics. ...More
How to Cite
R., G. S. (2013). Virtud y felicidad: dos perspectivas sobre la autarquía. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 32(1), 161-177.
In this paper I study the reasons that led Aristotle to reject the autarchy of virtue, namely, the view that the exercise of virtue suffices to achieve happiness (i.e. eudaimonía). I then sketch of the main features that theory of action should have to enable happiness not to depend on external achievements (versus Aristotle).
- Aristóteles. (1985). Ética Nicomáquea. J. Pallí (trad.) Madrid: Gredos.
- Aubenque, P. (1999). La prudencia en Aristóteles. M. J. Torres (trad.) Barcelona: Crítica.
- Nussbaum, M. C. (2003). La terapia del deseo. M. Candel (trad.) Barcelona: Paidós.
- Ross, W. D. (1981). Aristóteles. D. F. Pró (trad.) 2da ed. Buenos Aires: Charcas.