Número 37 - 2009

¿Por qué Heidegger lleva a cabo una rehabilitación de la phrónesis aristotélica?

Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez
Universidad de Murcia

Published 2013-11-28


  • Phronesis,
  • practical philosophy,
  • pre-theoretic sphere,
  • circumspection,
  • Heideggerian appropriation of Aristotle.

How to Cite

Yáñez, Ángel X. (2013). ¿Por qué Heidegger lleva a cabo una rehabilitación de la phrónesis aristotélica?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 37(1), 117-133. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v37i1.118


For three decades Franco Volpi’s thesis concerning the Aristotelianism of Heidegger has been grounds for investigation. Nevertheless, it has remained pending until now the task of delving deeply into the motives for which Heidegger would measure his strength against the great philosopher Aristotle. This paper is a contribution to this line of investigation into the preoccupations of the young Heidegger in his first lessons in Freiburg, especially in the post-war semester of 1919, as well as the discussions he sustained with the radical philosophies of Dilthey, Rickert, and Husserl. This will allow us to understand better why Heidegger was required to rehabilitate the practical philosophy of Aristotle.



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