No. 59 (2020): Julio-diciembre
Filosofía en el espacio público

Philosophy: What For?

David Alvargonzález
Departamento de FilosofíaUniversidad de Oviedo. España

Published 2020-08-20


  • philosophy,
  • function,
  • utility,
  • academic philosophy

How to Cite

Alvargonzález, D. (2020). Philosophy: What For?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 59, 429-442.


In this paper, I shall present a reasoned answer to the question about the usefulness of philosophy. I start by analyzing the meaning and intentionality of the question “philosophy: what for?” Next, I study the different meanings of the word “philosophy” in the context of that question (section two). In the third section, I present some examples of certain answers given to the question “philosophy: what for?” as they can be studied from a historical and anthropological perspective. Next, I take into account certain outstanding philosophical systems to see how they have answered the question about the usefulness of philosophy (section four). Finally, I argue a reasoned answer to the question from the perspective of a Stoic, materialistic philosophy of the present (section five).


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