No. 58 (2020): January - June

The Debate around the Notion of “Spiritual Immutation”: Contradiction or Synthesis in Thomas Aquinas’s Gnoseology?

Fernando Hernandez
Universidad de Buenos Aires CONICET

Published 2019-12-13


  • spirit,
  • spiritual immutation,
  • sensitive knowledge,
  • intentionality

How to Cite

Hernandez, F. (2019). The Debate around the Notion of “Spiritual Immutation”: Contradiction or Synthesis in Thomas Aquinas’s Gnoseology?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 58, 39-53.


This work aims to contribute new elements to the debate which took place in Tópicos, Revista de Filosofía between Ezequiel Téllez Maqueo and Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp about Thomas Aquinas’s theory of sensitive knowledge. The concepts of spiritus and immutatio spiritualis will be the key to solve the dilemma between the coherence or inconsistency of that theory.


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