No. 57 (2019): Julio-diciembre

Conservatio sui: Inclination of Nature to Itself. A Finalistic Theory in the Reading of Cicero and Thomas Aquinas

Laura Corso de Estrada

Published 2019-06-29


  • nature,
  • law,
  • reason,
  • hellenism,
  • Middle Ages

How to Cite

Corso de Estrada, L. (2019). Conservatio sui: Inclination of Nature to Itself. A Finalistic Theory in the Reading of Cicero and Thomas Aquinas. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 57, 375-398.


The aim of this article is to consider, in the first place, the characteristic traits of ciceronian conception about “conservatio sui” in the context of ciceronian practical philosophy, differentiating between the components of stoic tradition and the position that Cicero proposes as its own. The article makes its center in the ciceronian exposition of De finibus III and IV and passages of other works that allow us to elaborate the links between natura, ratio and lex established by Cicero. In second place, the article proposes a comparison of the ciceronian elaboration of “conservatio sui” with passages of the corpus of Thomas Aquinas, specially with Tractatus de legibus of Summa Theologiae.


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