Creativity and Technology. Audiovisual Projects at the University and online group work during confinement by COVID-19
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This article describes an innovative teaching strategy carried out in the field of audiovisual creation after the interruption of face-to-face classes at the University due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic. The subject of Audiovisual Production: Television includes in its teaching guide a large practical component that can be assessed, for which the University’s infrastructure and resources are essential. To guarantee its delivery and evaluation, interrupted by the confinement, an original, creative and collaborative project was designed that takes advantage of the possibilities offered by ICT. The project is based on a script developed collectively through the Exquisite Corpse game. The follow-up, the elaboration of a questionnaire and the results of the creation, allow us to conclude that the design of this project has contributed to improve the handling of the editing tools, to develop the creativity of the students, as well as their involvement and motivation, in addition to having implemented the dynamics of group work through the internet.
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