Peer Review Process
Brief description of articles selection process
Revista Panamericana de Comunicación is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal.
Every work sent will be examined preliminarily by the Journal Editorial Team, examining especially whether the article fits with the objectives of the journal. This decision will be informed to the author within 1 or 2 weeks of the submission of the article.
If a manuscript complies with the guidelines and is within the scope of The Journal, the editors will send the paper to at least two referees of the Editorial Board or Committee, or to selected referees. The guidelines for referees and the criteria applied by them relate to the content quality, relevance, scientific character, interest of the subject, whether scientific methodology was involved or not, updated use of primary and secondary literature and bibliography. The system of peer reviewed is anonymous.
Reviewers are advised to follow the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers, available at
The final decision to accept or reject the article will belong to the Editorial Team, in coordination with the journal's Editorial Board. Typically, decisions are informed within 6 weeks after submission of the article.
Articles selection process in deep
The following outline summarizes the peer review process:
- Pre-review: Authors initiate the process by submitting the article through the Revista Panamericana de Comunicación OJS platform. At this stage, the Editor in Chief, in collaboration with the Editorial Committee, performs an initial review of the manuscript considering:
1) Content quality, disciplinary relevance, scientific character, interest of the subject, whether scientific methodology was involved or not, updated use of primary and secondary literature and bibliography.
2) Relevance with the editorial line.
3) Compliance with the submission requirements.
4) Initial anti-plagiarism review. In the case of non-compliance with the criteria 2 and 3, the authors are informed and allowed to make corrections. In the case of plagiarism detection and depending on the complexity, the Editorial Committee will inform the authors of the rejection or the possibility of correction. If all the criteria are met, the manuscript advances to peer review.
- Peer Review: The Editor in Chief, with the collaboration of the Editorial Committee, requests the collaboration of peer reviewers considering the following criteria:
1) The peer reviewer has academic and research training and publications in the area of knowledge.
2) No conflict of interest that may affect the evaluation process.
Reviewers evaluate using the forms provided by the journal (Article review report; and Book review report) and are encouraged to include qualitative comments or a copy of the manuscript with anonymized comments.