N. 51 (2016): Julio-diciembre

Energeia vs Entelecheia: Schelling vs Hegel on Metaphysics Lambda

Pubblicato 2016-07-01

Parole chiave

  • Schelling,
  • Hegel,
  • Aristotle,
  • energeia,
  • entelecheia,
  • actuality
  • ...Più

Come citare

Romero, M. G. (2016). Energeia vs Entelecheia: Schelling vs Hegel on Metaphysics Lambda. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 51, 113-138. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i0.763


The late Schelling develops an anti-Hegelian Aristotelianism best exemplified by his understanding of the “pure actuality” in Book Lambda of the Metaphysics. Against Hegel’s “entelechial” interpretation (the pure actuality as an actuality that is also actualization of something potential, and implies a movement which it culminates), Schelling underlines that this actuality is a pure ἐνέργεια, with no potentiality at all, that is, no content whatsoever and in no relation to any movement or its culmination. In this article, I look at the differences between both interpretations from Schelling’s perspective. I then discuss what Schelling gains for his own late philosophy by distinguishing ἐνέργεια so strictly from ἐντελέχεια.


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