Contemporary Hegelian Scholarship: On Robert Stern’s Holistic Reading of Hegel
Pubblicato 2015-12-20
Parole chiave
- absolute idealism,
- Hegel scholarship,
- Hegel,
- metaphysics
Come citare
This article depicts the guidelines of Professor Robert Stern’s interpretation of Hegelian Metaphysics by emphasizing in its characteristic holistic reading: the prominent claim is that only a reading of such character does justice to Hegel’s own views on metaphysics and his entire philosophical approach and provides important connections with contemporary philosophical issues. The proposal is that some key fundamental topics of Hegelian scholarship will emerge with a clarified understanding after this reading: the concept of Truth and absolute knowledge are reassessed by showing the necessary connection of Epistemology and Metaphysics in Hegel. Hegelian Metaphysics, accordingly, appears ultimately as the principle for a reading of Hegel’s entire philosophy and illuminates its nature of general metaphysical inquiry.
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