N. 60 (2021): Enero - junio
Filosofía en el espacio público

Cognitive Bubbles: Towards a Logic of Fundamentalism

Germán Ulises Bula
Universidad de la Salle
Sebastián Gonzalez

Pubblicato 2020-10-27

Parole chiave

  • fundamentalism,
  • epistemology,
  • relativism,
  • rationality,
  • religion

Come citare

Bula, G. U., Garavito, M. C., & Gonzalez, S. (2020). Cognitive Bubbles: Towards a Logic of Fundamentalism. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 60, 413-436. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i60.1187


This paper examines fundamentalist cognition from a formal perspective with the aim of showing that such a perspective has explanatory power. Formal traits in fundamentalist thought are shown to turn up consistently in different fundamentalist groups and regarding different issues, and to be related to fundamentalist groups’ dynamics, theology, and political organization. Analysis of fundamentalist cognition also suggests that the epistemological stance of strong relativism in the public sphere may be conducive to fundamentalism.

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