Número 34 - 2008

La jurisprudencia como instrumento cultural en el siglo XVI

Juan Abelardo Hernández Franco
Universidad Panamericana

Published 2013-11-28

How to Cite

Franco, J. A. H. (2013). La jurisprudencia como instrumento cultural en el siglo XVI. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 34(1), 141–156. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v34i1.151


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Jurisprudence was an important factor to introduce the syncretism between Duns Scotus understanding of the universals and the postglossators interpretation of Aristotle into the Novohispanic culture. Both factors end at the modern conception of the rights as substantial categories in each person. Regarding these elements it was possible to understand the fundamental rights of the Indians of Mexico against those of the Spaniards. In the roman law tradition the rights (ius) appear, not like substantial categories, but like prerogatives or positions derived from an external circumstance to the person.


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