The Emergence of Life and the Place of the Body in Late Medieval Political Thought
Published 2019-06-29
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Historiographical studies have provided a wealth of information on the naturalistic background of medieval political thought, having incorporated Aristotle’s thesis resulting from the reception of Politics. The goal of our study is to provide the hermeneutics of this natural philosophy using as a common thread the body as an attribute of the human constitution which imposes certain needs and from which emerge certain impulses that determine its social and political condition. Specifically, we will analyze the treatises De regno ad regem Cypri and Defensor pacis by Saint Thomas Aquinas and Marsilius of Padua, respectively, regarding how the notion of body is especially important because it is the center of a series of activities which are decisive for life.
- Tomás de Aquino
- Sancti Thomae de Aquino. (1979). De Regno ad Regem Cypri. En H. F. Dondaine (ed.), Opera omnia iussu Leonis XIII. Roma: Editori di San Tommaso.
- St Thomas Aquinas. (1949). On Kingship to the King of Cyprus. G. B. Phelan. (trad.), I. TH. Eschmann. (int. y notas), Canadá: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
- Tomás de Aquino. (2003). Del reino. A. Tursi (trad.), Buenos Aires: Losada.
- Marsilio de Padua
- Marsilius von Padua. (1932). Defensor pacis. Hannover: Herausgegeben von R. Scholz.
- Marsilius of Padua. (1928). The Defensor Pacis of Marsilus of Padua. C. W. Previté-Orton (ed.), Cambridge.
- Marsilio de Padua. (1989). El defensor de la paz. L. Martínez Gómez (est. prel., trad. y notas), Madrid: Tecnos.
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