Número 40 - 2011

Hacia una noción humana y positiva del trabajo: Crítica de algunas interpretaciones Aristotélicas y Tomistas del S.XX

Published 2013-11-28


  • Aristotle,
  • Aquinas,
  • Arendt,
  • Pieper,
  • MacIntyre,
  • leisure,
  • work,
  • body,
  • vulnerability,
  • care,
  • wellbeing,
  • knowledge,
  • culture,
  • freedom,
  • virtue.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Montalbetti, M. P. C. (2013). Hacia una noción humana y positiva del trabajo: Crítica de algunas interpretaciones Aristotélicas y Tomistas del S.XX. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 40(1), 195-222. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v40i1.91


Although Aquinas has no quaestio about work, this subject has been studied by authors like Hannah Arendt and Joseph Pieper, who continued Aristotle’ and Aquinas’ view on leisure and work. Human life consists of this contemplative activity in the polis, in contrast with slaves and women at the oikia or house. But work has become central to the cultural arena and also another notion avoided by classical philosophy: human being as a bodily being that is dependent and vulnerable due to matter. Thanks to this last note and based on some of Aquinas’ and MacIntyre’s principles,workcan find its philosophical place as a human and positive dimension.