A Great Victory is a Great Danger: Max Weber, Friedrich Nietzsche and the Epigonism’s Problem
Published 2017-11-11
- Weber,
- Nietzsche,
- epigonism,
- leadership,
- culture
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The article’s hypothesis –teorical, terminological and biografical grounded– maintains that Max Weber’s critique of epigonism between 1893 and 1895, shows a direct influence of the Young Nietzsche’s political-cultural proyect, specifically the one summarized in the Untimely Meditations. Epigonism as the unwanted effect of the greatness. Both Nietzsche and Weber deal with the same dilema: the great men obstruct the emergence of great men. In order to show the hypothesis, the article will follow the main argument of “The Nation State and Economic Policy“. Following this, brief pages will be devoted to the biografical plausibility of the article’s hypothesis.
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