No. 54 (2018): Enero - junio

Aristotle and the Citizen

María Bueno
Universidad Austral (Buenos Aires)

Published 2017-11-11


  • Aristotle,
  • citizen,
  • ruler,
  • ruled,
  • practical wisdom

How to Cite

Bueno, M. (2017). Aristotle and the Citizen. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 54, 11-45.


The present article explores the Aristotelian concept of citizenship and its central characteristics. At the same time, and for this consideration of the citizen, the article stresses the importance of the Aristotelian distinction between the ruler and the ruled, and of the citizen’s participation in different regimes. Particular focus is given to Aristotle’s interest in the virtues that make a man good and that make a citizen a good citizen, as well as the relationship between both figures. It concludes by exploring the importance of the virtue of prudence for life in the pólis and for the ruler in particular.


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