Published 2018-06-08
- Schelling,
- Karatani,
- Merleau-Ponty,
- chiasm,
- par- allax
- non-classical logic,
- topology. ...More
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The following paper offers six contemporary readings of Schelling ́s Freedom essay. It begins by explaining the funda- mental problem of the Essay, namely the contraction between freedom and necessity and between ground and existence. The principle of ground must be understood in ontological sense, and implies a hierarchic and necessary relationship between the elements involved. The principle of existence is rather of ethical nature and implies a separation, non-necessary and horizontal relationship of its members. Hence the question: how to think the “simultaneity” of two irreconcilable fundamental positions? To address this issue I offer a confrontation between Adorno and Schelling regarding non-identity thought. Finally I offer six contemporary readings of the Essay, which can be sorted in two groups: a) a logical-topological perspective (involving non-clas- sical logics and topology) and b) a reading from four contem- porary thinkers: Karatani, Blondel, Merleau-Ponty and Günther and three closely-related notions developed by them: that of parallax, chiasm and diplopy.
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