The Debate on the Origins of Male Homosexuality. A Revision of the Distinction between Essencialism and Constructionism in the History of Sexuality
Published 2017-11-11
- history of sexuality,
- essentialism,
- social construction,
- male homosexuality,
- philosophy of history
How to Cite
Solana, M. (2017). The Debate on the Origins of Male Homosexuality. A Revision of the Distinction between Essencialism and Constructionism in the History of Sexuality. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 54, 395-427.
This paper analyzes the debate between John Boswell and David Halperin about the historical origins of male homosexuality. While Boswell claims that gay people existed during Ancient and Medieval times, Halperin believes that homosexuality, as we now know it, is a modern invention. This paper warns against understanding this debate as a clash between essentialists and social constructionists –as it was traditionally understood– and presents an alternative interpretation based on the ideas of figuralism and irrealism. As a consequence, it suggests that gender and sexuality studies should be wary not only of sexual essentialism but also of historical essentialism, and that they should embrace historical pluralism.References
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