No. 53 (2017): Julio-diciembre

Metaphysics of Violence and Peace. Augustinian Analysis of a Definition of Paul Gilbert

Diego I. Rosales Meana
Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada

Published 2017-07-01


  • autonomy,
  • commitment,
  • liberty,
  • patience,
  • power

How to Cite

Rosales Meana, D. I. (2017). Metaphysics of Violence and Peace. Augustinian Analysis of a Definition of Paul Gilbert. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 53, 273.


In this paper I shall approach to the problem of politic violence and peace from a metaphysical paradigm. I will discuss the question based on a definition of violence given by Paul Gilbert and its augustinian postulates. This definition will be tested on three levels. On the first place I describe what does it mean to talk about violence in metaphysics conceived as “first philosophy”. On the second place I try to recall the phenomenology of free will that Augustine establishes mainly in his book De libero arbitrio. Finally, I shall analyze political freedom and its substitution by the notion of “legality”. Therefore, it will be shown how a metaphysical perspective is useful in order to understand violence as a renouncement of the political, as the unilateral afirmation of individual liberty and, thus, as the negation of this precise liberty.



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