No. 52 (2017): Enero - junio

Reception and Appropriation of the Aristotelian Practical Philosophy in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

Eduardo Charpenel Elorduy
Universidad Panamericana. Facultad de Filosofía.

Published 2016-12-27


  • Aristotle,
  • Hegel,
  • philosophy of right,
  • normative ethics,
  • methods in ethics,
  • theory of ethical motivation,
  • virtue and duty,
  • history of the development of Aristotelianism
  • ...More

How to Cite

Elorduy, E. C. (2016). Reception and Appropriation of the Aristotelian Practical Philosophy in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 52, 173-212.


In this article I examine the relation of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right with the Aristotelian practical philosophy. My aim with this is to show, on the one hand, that some of the theses and central motifs of the Hegelian philosophy of right are better understood if one brings certain Aristotelian ideas to the forefront of the discussion and, on the other hand, that these ideas are subjected to a reinterpretation by Hegel due to the historical and philosophical demands of the Modern Age. In particular, the relationship between these two authors is analyzed by examining two specific subjects: the holistic methodology of a practical philosophy–broadly construed–and the theory of ethical motivation.



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