No. 52 (2017): Enero - junio

Is there a Normative Theory of Justice in Marx?

Felipe Curcó Cobos
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)

Published 2016-12-27


  • Marx,
  • normativity,
  • justice,
  • ethics

How to Cite

Cobos, F. C. (2016). Is there a Normative Theory of Justice in Marx?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 52, 213-238.


Marx’s work has brought forward an archaic controversy among his followers. Some have sustained that the language developed throughout it is merely descriptive. Such language would express above all a scientific knowledge expurgated of all moral content (about the structure of capital, the forces that cause social dynamics and the laws that govern it.) On the other side, however, others have argued that in Marx we have found an ethical language oriented towards denouncing crimes and miseries of one determined social formation with the nality of opposing another one. In this article I defend the idea that in Marx’s work there are elements to afirm one thing as well as the other. Nevertheless, I argue that the main importance of Marx’s thinking resides essentially on the ethical and regulatory elements that configure the moral dimension of his approach.



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