No. 51 (2016): Julio-diciembre

The Imbalance of the Political Realm in Hegel

Juan Ignacio Arias Krause
Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Playa Ancha
Patricio Landaeta Mardones
Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Published 2016-07-01


  • civil society,
  • political imbalance,
  • Hegel,
  • state,
  • philosophy of law

How to Cite

Krause, J. I. A., & Mardones, P. L. (2016). The Imbalance of the Political Realm in Hegel. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 51, 139-158.


The political problem of civil society is based on its dual form of expression: first, in civil society the external character or purpose of the state is revealed and, second, a split occurs within the same state. Such problem appears contradictory (the outer and inner being at once) is presented in the political thought of Hegel, in order to overcome the dichotomies that in modern political theory appeared as insurmountable. In Hegel’s idea of law, this overcoming is performed by an internalization of those elements that had previously been excluded from politics, such as the natural and the private domain, which emerge in civil society. Thus, this article discusses these elements in order to show how this movement of internalization and externalization of them constitute the event of politics. 


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