La teoría Kantiana de la acción: De la noción de máxima como regla autoimpuesta a la descripción de la acción
Published 2013-11-28
- Kant,
- Anscombe,
- Barbara Herman,
- action,
- maxim
- description of the action. ...More
How to Cite
Torralba, J. M. (2013). La teoría Kantiana de la acción: De la noción de máxima como regla autoimpuesta a la descripción de la acción. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 41(1), 17-61.
This article examines the elements of Kant’s theory of action. First, it considers the way in which the causality of the faculty of desire is determined, and provides a definition of the maxim as a self-imposed practical rule. Second, it suggests interpreting the maxim as the description of the action, according to the structure of practical reasoning (following G. E. M. Anscombe’s theory). The main thesis is that the practical character of Kant’s ethics depends on the first-person perspective (as in the description of the action) and the notion of moral bindingness as the constraint of the will.