¿Una posible polémica entre platónicos sobre Aristóteles? El fragmento 13 del Comentario a una canción de amor de Pico della Mirandola
Published 2015-12-20
- Ficino,
- Pico,
- Aristotle,
- angels,
- unmoved movers
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This paper presents a fragment of Pico della Mirandolla’s Commento sopra una canzone d’amore. I claim that the consideration of this fragment entails a philosophical approach regarding the role of Aristotle’s Metaphysics Λ8 in the so-called Renaissance Platonism that has been neglected in recent literature. Although, Pico and Ficino are supposed to be members of this philosophical movement, the fragment presents an alleged controversy between these philosophers regarding the number of the Aristotelian unmoved movers or substances. While Pico adheres to a literal reading, Ficino attemps to reconcile Aristotle with Christianity (traditionally Christian philosophy has identified these substances with the angelic intelligences). These views show that the Aristotle’s texts in the Renaissance are significant and its influence is not subordinated to purely physical issues.
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