Número 48 - 2015

Fuerza primitiva y fuerza derivativa en G. W. Leibniz. Modificación y limitación

Published 2015-06-08


  • Leibniz,
  • metaphysics,
  • dynamics,
  • derivative,
  • primitive,
  • force,
  • mode.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ruiz, L. (2015). Fuerza primitiva y fuerza derivativa en G. W. Leibniz. Modificación y limitación. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 48, 141-168. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i48.719


Derivative force is described by Leibniz as a modification or limitation of the entelechy or primitive force. However, he also describes it as belonging to phenomena and as the cause of physical motion. Some scholars have found in this particular matter an unsolvable trouble, while some others have proposed different solutions.

This paper presents an analysis of the notion of “mode” as it describes the relationship between primitive and derivative forces. Taking this into account, I shall criticize the interpretation of two scholars on this matter, and I will try to provide an explanation on how the derivative forces can belong to phenomena while being a modification of entelechy. This may be a major achievement in order to understand the relations between metaphysics and dynamics in Leibnizian philosophy.


  1. Ediciones de la obra de Leibniz
  2. A Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe, Darmstadt-Berlin: Berlin Academy 1923.
  3. C Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibniz, ed. Louis Couturat, Paris: Félix Alcan 1903.
  4. G Die philosophischen Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, ed. C. I. Gerhardt, Berlin: Weidman 1875-90.
  5. GM Leibnizens matematische Schriften, ed. C. I. Gerhardt, Berlin: Halle 1849-1863.
  6. LW Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Christian Wolff, ed. C. I. Gerhardt, Halle: H. W. Schmidt 1860.
  7. G.W. Leibniz: Obras filosóficas y científicas, Granada: Comares 2007-(a la fecha).
  8. Literatura secundaria
  9. Adams, Robert: Leibniz: Determinist, Theist, Idealist, New York: Oxford Univ. Press 1994.
  10. Anapolitanos, Dionysios: Leibniz: Representation, Continuity and the Spatiotemporal, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999.
  11. De Risi, Vicenzo: Geometry and Monadology. Leibniz’s Analysis situs and Philosophy of space, Basel: Birkhäuser 2000.
  12. Duchesneau, François: La dynamique de Leibniz, Paris: Vrin 1994.
  13. Futch, Michael: Leibniz Metaphysics of Time and Space, New York: Springer 2008.
  14. Garber, Daniel: Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad, Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 2009.
  15. Garber, Daniel: “Motion and Metahpysics in the Young Leibniz” en Michael, Hooker: Leibniz. Critical and Interpretative Essays, Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press 1982.
  16. González, Ángel Luis: “Notas e introducción” en G. W. Leibniz: Obras filosóficas y científicas, Granada: Comares 2010.
  17. Hartz, Glenn; Cover, J.: “Are Leibnizian Monads Spatial?”, History of Philosophy Quarterly, XI-3 (1994), pp. 295-316.
  18. Lodge, Paul: “Primitive and Derivative Forces in Leibnizian Bodies” en Hans Poser (ed.): Nihil sine ratione 2001.
  19. Ruiz, Leonardo: El concepto leibniziano de espacio. La polémica con Clarke y el newtonianismo, Pamplona: EUNSA 2014.
  20. Russell, Bertrand: Exposición crítica de la filosofía de Leibniz, tr. Hernán Rodríguez, Buenos Aires: Siglo XX 1977.