Número 48 - 2015

Plotino y la potencia desasosegada del Alma: ¿dispersión o contemplación?

Published 2015-06-08


  • contemplation,
  • Intellect,
  • nature,
  • Plotinus,
  • Soul.

How to Cite

Martín, F. (2015). Plotino y la potencia desasosegada del Alma: ¿dispersión o contemplación?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 48, 169-200. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i48.717


In the context of Plotinus’ philosophical system, nature is intrinsically linked to contemplation. This paper aims to reflect on whether the Plotinus’ doctrine on nature and its generative power refers only to the notions of dispersion and multiplicity or, rather, it suggests other ideas about this topic. An analytical and descriptive methodology will be used, accompanied by an hermeneutics and critical reading of sources and secondary literature


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