Published 2015-07-31
- performative potential,
- promise,
- structure,
- claims,
- obligation
- pointlike act,
- material a priori ...More
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In this article I relate the two main findings of Reinach: the notion of state of affairs and the material multiple a priori of social-linguistic acts. Although both derive from the phenomenological procedure of eidetic reduction, they anticipate the later studies on speech acts by the analytical philosophers Austin and Searle. The elements and the structure of the social acts are studied, with an emphasis on promising and asking. These lead Reinach beyond the Husserlian framework of objectifying acts, for which he draws on certain forerunners in the München School of Phenomenology. I also highlight the scope of the multiple a priori within this social-linguistic realm, showing how they are distinct from the formal a priori and the normative concepts proper to the moral and legal spheres.
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