No. 50 (2016): Enero - junio

The mathematical project of nature in the heideggerian philosophy of the Marburg-period (1923-1927)

Luciano Mascaró

Published 2015-12-20


  • Heidegger,
  • nature,
  • mathematical project,
  • science

How to Cite

Mascaró, L. (2015). The mathematical project of nature in the heideggerian philosophy of the Marburg-period (1923-1927). Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 50, 95-122.


The term “nature” appears as a problematic notion in Heidegger’s philosophy prior to the 1930’s. This concept receives various interpretations all along the so-called “Marburg period”, which appear in a disperse and unarticulated manner. In our research we focus on making explicit the sense of “nature” that works as a background for the tasks of the ontic sciences of the intra-worldly, i.e. the natural sciences. The goal of this study is to point out —in a work of articulation of disperse treatments— in which sense is the term “nature” used by the natural sciences. Our research will show that the two main meanings in which ontic sciences understand this notion are a) nature as the whole set of that which is before our eyes (Vorhandenheit), and b) nature as ontologic region, unfolded by an mathematical project of the being-constitution of beings.



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