Acerca de la relación mímesis-mûthos en la Poética de Aristóteles: en torno a los criterios de necesidad y verosimilitud
Published 2015-06-08
- logic of mimesis,
- muthos,
- necessity,
- verisimilitude.
How to Cite
Merlo, M. C. (2015). Acerca de la relación mímesis-mûthos en la Poética de Aristóteles: en torno a los criterios de necesidad y verosimilitud. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 48, 201-224.
It is beyond doubt that the concept of mimesis is the guiding concept of Aristotle’s Poetics. Despite the importance of this notion, this text does not offer elements that allow to rebuild a clear and accurate meaning of the term. I believe that it is possible to have access to a more precise characterization of the mimesis by an indirect way, i.e. through the relations between mimesis and other central notions of the work. In this paper, I intend to point out in which way the logical constraints of the tragic muthos become criteria for mimesis, as long as they establish guidelines to be followed in the preparation of the mimema. To clarify some of the problems underlying the necessity and likelihood criteria will allow to emphasize the dimensions (objective and subjective) of the notion of mimesis.References
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