Published 2014-12-07
- logic frame problem,
- philosophical frame problem,
- definitional difficulty,
- resolute difficulty.
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Silenzi, M. I. (2014). La dualidad del Problema de marco: Sobre interpretaciones y resoluciones. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 47, 89-112.
Broadly construed as a problem related to relevance, the frame problem has been the center of important debates and controversies in the decades of the 80’ and 90’. The key issue of this article will be to clarify the relationship between two difficulties affecting the frame problem, namely, the definitional difficulty and the resolution difficulty: before assessing any solution to the frame problem, it is necessary to specify the particular interpretation of the problem one has in mind. One way to address this issue is to describe the various interpretations of the problem, and then to analyze the underlying difficulties. Like Lormand (1991), we suggest that each of these interpretations refers to a different problem and that it is necessary to address these differences before assessing any proposed solution.References
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