Número 47 - 2014

El caso Galileo o las Paradojas de una Racionalidad Científica Positivista según Paul Karl Feyerabend

Published 2014-12-07


  • Feyerabend,
  • epistemological anarchism,
  • logical positivism,
  • science,
  • science- metaphysics,
  • demarcation criterion.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Gargiulo, T. (2014). El caso Galileo o las Paradojas de una Racionalidad Científica Positivista según Paul Karl Feyerabend. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 47, 53-88. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i47.662


The Galilean case meant for Feyerabend the opportunity to prove methodological and historically the paradoxes and limitations of a positivist notion of science. Feyerabend demonstrates the contradictions that suppose the different attempts of neo-positivism logical to establish a demarcation criterion that defines what science is. He realizes how in the case of Galileo Galilei those elements against which the logical positivism tries to delimit a negative definition of science, paradoxically constitute the heart of the scientific endeavor. Now this does not mean –as a considerable number of critics have pointed out– that Feyerabend uphold an anarchic, irrational or relativist view about science. Conversely, in a positive sense it is possible to say that the emblematic case of Galileo not only offered to Feyerabend the occasion to formulate a negative and sceptical argumentation with regard to that notion of science but, at the same time, it represented for him a chance to rethink the science from a broader perspective or rationality.


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