Escepticismo y anti-intelectualismo: una revisión del ideal socrático desde la perspectiva pirrónica
Published 2014-06-27
- Pyrrhonism,
- Skepticism,
- Anti-intellectualism,
- Socratic Ideal,
- Ataraxía.
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The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, I argue directly for the thesis according to which, skepticism and anti-intellectualism associated with Pyrrhonism constitute a radical rejection of what I refer to in this paper as “the Socratic ideal” –a cluster of theses predominant in ancient philosophy. In order to reach this objective I review the main figures in the Pyrrhonian tradition (from Pyrrho to Sextus) showing the evolution of Pyrrhonism from a dogmatic metaphysical position to an anti-dogmatic and anti-intellectualist epistemic stance. In each stage I analyze the way in which its representatives rejected the Socratic ideal and the way in which those rejections meant the introduction of some novel theses on the philosophical scene of Antiquity. Secondly, I use this last point in order to argue indirectly against one of the most widespread readings of Pyrrhonism, namely, that Pyrrhonism was a monolithic movement in which all of its members subscribed to exactly the same theoretical position.
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