Published 2014-06-27
- phronēsis,
- hexis,
- truth,
- science,
- art
- wisdom,
- prudence,
- virtue. ...More
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Araiza, J. M. (2014). La prudencia en Aristóteles: una héxis praktikè. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 46, 151-174.
According to the Aristotelian definition of EN VI (1140b20), phronēsis is a practical true hexis accompanied by reason and it refers to human goods. The present essay intends to answer a double question: what is a habitual disposition (hexis) and why phronēsis is a kind of hexis? Part of the answer lies in Metaphysica Delta 20 and 23, and part in Categories 8. This research is just the starting point of a broader question that is intended to be answered later: what is the relationship between prudence and truth? In addition, why phronēsis is always true, as always true are science, art, wisdom and virtue?
- Araiza, Jesús. Die aristotelischen Ethica Megala: Eine philosophische Interpretation, Alemania: Lit Verlag, Münster, 2009.
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- Aristóteles. Analytica priora et posteriora, edición de W. D. Ross, Oxford University Press, 1964.
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- —. Ethica Nicomachea, edición de I. Bywater, Oxford University Press, 1894.
- —. De anima, edición de W. D. Ross, Oxford University Press, 1956.
- —. Magna moralia, G. Cyril Armstrong, Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1958.
- —. Ética magna, trad., introd. y notas por Jesús Araiza, inéd. 2014.
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