Número 45 - 2013

La discusión aristotélica sobre los modos de vida: El contraste entre el bíos theoretikós en Ética a Nicómaco X 7-8 y el bíos praktikós en Política VII 3

Viviana Suñol

Published 2013-12-17


  • Aristotle,
  • ways of life,
  • philosophical life,
  • political life,
  • ethics,
  • politics.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Suñol, V. (2013). La discusión aristotélica sobre los modos de vida: El contraste entre el bíos theoretikós en Ética a Nicómaco X 7-8 y el bíos praktikós en Política VII 3. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 45(1), 9-47. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v45i1.608


The Aristotelian praise of the contemplative life in Nicomachean Ethics X was very influential in the history of philosophy and its effects go much more beyond the limits of Hellenism and Late Antiquity. Although, it is in Politics VII 1-3 where Aristotle presents the more detailed consideration of the ways of life, in particular, the opposition between the political and philosophical life. The purpose of this work is to reconsider the praise of the contemplative life at the end of NE and to recover the political significance that the ethical preface that precedes the design of the ideal polis has in this discussion in order to show the correspondence that exists between the redefinition of praxis in Pol. VII 3 and the hierarchy of eudaimonia in NE X 7-8.


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