No. 1 (1991): Número 1 - 1991

De Coelo

Published 2013-11-28


  • Thomas Aquinas,
  • Proem,
  • De Coelo,
  • simple bodies,
  • universe,
  • philosophy of nature.
  • ...More

How to Cite

C., J. M. y. (2013). De Coelo. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 1, 207-213.


In this proem, saint Thomas Aquinas commences distinguishing four types of order in reason which correspond to the order in which the parts of the philosophy of nature ough to be studied. Thomas Aquinas states that in De Coelo are studied some things that correspond to the total universe, as well as others that correspond to the celestial body, and others that correspond to simple bodies, and, so he says, that is why this book is ordered after Physics. The diverse opininions of the antique commentors of Aristotle about the subject-matter of De Coelo are attended one by one and those that focus on the simplicity of bodies are accepted.