Published 2013-11-28
- Thomas Aquinas,
- Proem,
- Physics,
- philosophy of nature,
- movement
- books. ...More
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In this proem, saint Thomas Aquinas enunciates the object of the philosophy of nature and the relation this science has with others, including prima philosophia. He speaks about the dependence on matter to define some things in order to differentiate them from those, as God and separate substances, thatdo not depend on matter to be. The subject of movement is addressed as the central axis of philosophy of nature, and from here it is pointed out what kinds of movement are studied in each of the books concerning philosophy of nature: Physics studies the movement simpliciter; De Coelo studies local movement; De Generatione studies the movement towards form and the transmutation of mobile elements; Meteororum studies the different species of transmutations; Mineralibus studies the movement of the mixed unanimated; and De Anima studies the movement of the animated.