No. 1 (1991): Número 1 - 1991

La claridad en el pensamiento

Published 2013-11-28


  • Clear,
  • clearness,
  • obscure,
  • obscurity,
  • thought,
  • expression.
  • ...More

How to Cite

M., L. G. (2013). La claridad en el pensamiento. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 1, 89-97.


The thesis defended in this paper is that every thought is clear; and this is the same as claiming that there does not exist any obscure thought at all. In order to draw a demonstration for this poposal, analysis will be applied to a series of cases on misunderstanding that call obscure thought to things that either are not thoughts at all, or are known parcially, or can not be totally expressed, among other possible scenarios. At the end of these paper, it is claimed that the so called obscurity of thought is nothing but a refuge and a source of philosophical inefficiency before something that, as such, may appear difficult and complex.