Número 13 - 1997


Published 2013-11-28


  • Vicente Huidobro,
  • Altazor,
  • poetry,
  • modenity,
  • avant-garde,
  • Creationism.
  • ...More

How to Cite

Bay, T. A.-A. (2013). Altazor. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 13(1), 15-25. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v13i1.421


This paper starts with an internal and external analysis of modernity and artistic avant-garde, annotating important reflexions from the plastic, aesthetic, historic and critical dimensions. The study of Altazor, the poem of the Chilean Vicente Huidobro, along with the study of the Creationism movement -of his authorship, where art stops imitating nature in order to imitate its creative power- constitutes the central axis of this article. From among the various reflexions dedicated to the main features of each chant of the poem, questions on the conciliation of the diverse poetic movements arise and on the true intention of poetry, which, finally, may not be other than the one Huidobro proposes.