Published 2013-11-28
- Aristotle,
- indivisible,
- De Anima,
- Metafísica,
- quantity
- continuum. ...More
How to Cite
Morán, J. R. (2013). Los indivisibles para Aristóteles en De Anima III, 8 y Metaphysica IX, 10. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 16(1), 125-145.
What are the so called "indivisible" in Aristotle's thought? The indivisibles are the categories of being, enumerated on the books of: Topics I, 9; Categories II, 1; Metaphysics V, 7 and Physics III, 1. On one hand, the philosophy of nature's perspective (On the Soul III, 11), demonstrates an assertion, namely: the indivisible things are known in three aspects of knowledge: the continuum, form or eidos and privations. On the other hand, the metaphysics' perspective (Metaphysics XI, 9), proves that the indivisibles are the ultimate and unchanging objects of nature, that is, the unmovable motor, and the separate substances.