Número 43 - 2012

Razonamiento a priori y argumento ontológico en Antonio Rosmini

Published 2013-11-26


  • A priori Reasoning,
  • Ontological Argument,
  • Antonio Rosmini.

How to Cite

Franck, J. F. (2013). Razonamiento a priori y argumento ontológico en Antonio Rosmini. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 43, 191-212. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v0i43.37


Rosmini’s criticism of the ontological argument finds its place between those of Aquinas and of Kant. With the former he shares the denial of the evidence of God’s essence quoad nos, and with the latter, his acknowledgment of the decisive character of the nucleus of the ontological argument for all other proofs of God’s existence. Such nucleus consists for Rosmini in the possibility of developing an a priori reasoning, different from the ontological one, be it in its Anselmian, Cartesian or Leibnizian form, which would justify the validity of the other proofs and the fascination exercised by the ontological argument.