Número 18 - 2000

The Universe or, Babel’s Library?

Hortensia Cuéllar
Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET

Published 2013-11-28


  • Jorge Luis Borges,
  • La Biblioteca de Babel,
  • metaphysics,
  • analogy,
  • literature

How to Cite

Cuéllar, H. (2013). The Universe or, Babel’s Library?. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 18(1), 167-186. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v18i1.360


This article is a philosophical reflection about one of the most important narratives of Borges: "La Biblioteca de Babel" (Babel's Library), where he puts forward some problems about the Universe-Library, time and eternity, the possible and the impossible, fantasy and reality. This story allow us to get a glimpse on the analogical work underlying its intimate structure.


  1. Borges, J. L. (1923-1949). Obras Completas. Buenos Aires: Emecé Editores.
  2. ____ (1997). Ficcionario (Una analogía de sus textos). E. Rodríguez Monegal (ed.) México: ​F.C.E.
  3. Yourcenar, M. (1992). Peregrina y Extranjera. E. Calatayud. Madrid: Alfaguara.