Published 2013-11-28
- Ps. Justin,
- Aristotle,
- Proclus,
- Neo-Platonism,
- Quaestiones
How to Cite
Martín, J. P. (2013). Pseudo-Justin’s Quaestiones: A Christian Reader of Aristotle at Proclus’ Times. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 18(1), 115-141.
An analysis of the treatise Quaestiones christianorum ad gentiles attributed to Justin the apologist shows that it is a Christian writing of the late fifth century, whose main aim is to refute very specific doctrines of Proclus. The author demonstrates that the Pseudo-Justin knows Aristotle's Órganon directly, to which he refers by the expression "the ancients." The treatise presents a theory of the production of the world opposed to the Neo-Platonic ontology in order to grasp something of the will of God and the history of men.
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- ____ (1972). De generatione animalium. H. J. Drossaart-Lulofs (ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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- Filón. (1978). Les oeuvres de Philon d’Alexandrie. Paris: F. Petit.
- Martín, J. P. (1989). El Pseudo-Justino en la historia del aristotelismo. En Patrística et Mediaevalia, 10: 3-19.
- Platón. (1900-1907). Platonis opera. Vols. 5. J. Burnet (ed.)
- Proclo. (1968, 1974, 1978, 1981, 1987). Theologia platonica. D. Saffrey (ed.) Paris.
- ____ (1903, 1904, 1906). Procli Diadochi in Platonis Timaeum commentaria. Leipzig: E. Diehl.
- Pseudo-Justino. (1990). Cohortatio ad Graecos, De Monarchia, Oratio ad Graecos. M. Marcovich (trad.) Berlin and New York.
- Siriano. (1902). Syriani, In metaphysica commentaria. En Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 6.1. W. Kroll (ed.) Berlin.