The Pre-Aristotelian Medieval Tradition and the Formation of the Politics as a theory since 1265
Published 2013-11-28
- Aristotle,
- politics,
- Albert the Great,
- ethics,
- moral
- economy,
- development ...More
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Bertelloni, F. (2013). The Pre-Aristotelian Medieval Tradition and the Formation of the Politics as a theory since 1265. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 18(1), 9-39.
This paper deals with the gradual constitution of the politica as a theory in the Middle Ages within the division of the philosophiamoralis into ethica, oeconomica and politica. The author divides the paper in three parts in accordance to three different stages of medieval treatment of the politica as a science. First, he gives an overview of the medieval notion of politica until the first half of the thirteenth century. Second, he analyzes Albert the Great's conception of politica in his treatise Super Ethica. Third, he shows Albert's modifications of his own conception after the medieval reception of Aristotle's Politics.
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