Published 2013-11-28
- Saint Anselm,
- faith,
- reason,
- Monologion,
- Epistola de incarnation Verbi
- Cur Deus Homo,
- Proslogion ...More
How to Cite
Cañas, P. M. (2013). The Boldness of the Incited Reason by Faith in Sain Anselm. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 19(1), 193-210.
St Anselm is an important medieval character of the delicate relationship between faith and reason. Three of his works —Monologion, Epistola de incarnatione Verbi and Cur Deus Homo— give us a clear sample of that interrelation, as well as of what he calls the use of sola ratione and the argument of necessary truth. This article is a preamble for an adequate comprehension of his argument to prove the existence of God,in the Proslogion, which has made this author famous in the history of philosophy.
- Juan Pablo II. Fides et ratio.
- Pérez-De Laborda, M. (1995). La razón frente al insensato. Pamplona: EUNSA.
- San Anselmo. (1953). Obras Completas. J. Alameda (ed.) Madrid: BAC.