Published 2013-11-28
- John Paul II,
- philosophy of religion,
- revelation,
- encyclical,
- Fides et ratio
How to Cite
Possenti, V. (2013). Philosophy and Revelation: Some considerations inspired by Fides et ratio. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 21(1), 81-101.
Many complex problems are implied in the general relationship between philosophy and religion. In this section, as well as the next one, we would like to take a look at three of them: (a) whether or not the knowledge of God should be considered today an extra-philosophical problem; (b) what the task of 'philosophy of religion' consists on; and (c) whether or not there exists an insuperable difference between philosophy and religion so that a 'philosophy of religion' would be a mistake.
- Adorno, T. W. (1954). Minima Moralia. Turin: Einaudi.
- Bubber, M. (1983). L’eclisse di Dio. Milan: Comunità.
- Hegel, G. W. F. (1974). Lezioni sulla filosofia della religione. Vol 1. Bologna: E. Oberti and G. Borruso, Zanichelli.
- Maritain, J. (1965). Breve trattato dell’esistenza e dell’esistente. Brescia: Morcelliana.
- Rahner, K. (1988). Uditori della parola. Turin: Borla.