The Computational Metaphor and the Delimitation of the Representative Realm in Cognitive Sciences
Published 2013-11-28
- Mind,
- computer,
- metaphor,
- representation,
- cognitive sciences
- epistemology,
- philosophy ...More
How to Cite
Moreno, J. A. (2013). The Computational Metaphor and the Delimitation of the Representative Realm in Cognitive Sciences. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 22(1), 55-69.
The comparison of human body with machines is an ancient matter and it has acquired more attention since the Cartesian physics due to its mind-body dualism. In this article we analyze the historical process by which the cognitive philosophers have ended up methodically using the computer as a model for them to understand human mind. Furthermore, we study how they have built their methodological delimitations within the representative area, and the cognitive benefits both methods have provided them.
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