Número 22 - 2002

The Liberalisms of José María Vigil and Antonio Caso, and the Direct Realism

José Hernández
Universidad Panamericana

Published 2013-11-28


  • José María Vigil,
  • Antonio Caso,
  • Thomas Reid,
  • direct realism,
  • liberalism,
  • Mexico,
  • politics,
  • philosophy
  • ...More

How to Cite

Hernández, J. (2013). The Liberalisms of José María Vigil and Antonio Caso, and the Direct Realism. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 22(1), 17-34. https://doi.org/10.21555/top.v22i1.301


José María Vigil (1829-1909) and Antonio Caso (1883-1946) were two defenders of liberal democracy and of the possibility of a limited but effective conscious management of public and social affairs, within the adverse contexts of Mexico during the administration of Porfirio Díaz as well as the post-revolutionary period. Both authors based their positions on a critique concerning positivism and social-historical determinism, which would aim at a way of thinking quite distant from subjectivist thought, although very close to an epistemological "direct realism" that establishes that the world is not actually a subjective or inter-subjective construction, that may be interpreted in the same subjective or inter-subjective way. However, it is not either something that might be known through a mental or conceptual copy or representation of its entities and processes. Perhaps, the most evocative defender of direct realism in history has been the 18th century Scottish philosopher, Thomas Reid (1710-1796), a great exponent of the "common sense", explicitly recovered by Vigil and tacitly vindicated by Antonio Caso.


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  5. Hale, C. A. (1991). La transformación del liberalismo en México a fines del siglo XIX. P. Jiménez (trad.) México: Editorial Vuelta.
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  9. Krazue de Kolteniuk, R. (1990). La filosofía de Antonio Caso. México: UNAM.
  10. Reid, T. (1998). La filosofía del sentido común. Breve antología de textos de Thomas Reid. J. Hernández (trad. & ed.) México: UAM-Azcapotzalco.
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  12. Vigil, J. M., De la Peña, R. A. (1985). Discursos pronunciados por los profesores José M. Vigil y Rafael Ángel de la Peña en las justas de catedráticos celebradas en la Escuela ​Nacional Preparatoria. México: Imprenta del Gobierno en Palacio.
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