Published 2013-11-28
- John Locke,
- division,
- powers,
- democracy,
- republican system
- moral,
- politics,
- philosophy ...More
How to Cite
García, M. A. (2013). John Locke: The Division of Powers and the Contemporary Democratic Tradition. Tópicos, Revista De Filosofía, 22(1), 9-15.
According to John Locke, the state of nature suffers a juridical insufficiency: to be judge in one's own case. The republican system is the solution to such inadequacy. This paper intends to demonstrate that the superiority of the republican system is neither based uponfounded economic nor demographic reasons, but on moral grounded.
- Borja, R. (1997). Enciclopedia de la política. México: F.C.E.
- Cassirer, E. (1974). El mito del Estado. México: F.C.E.
- Locke, J. (1976). Ensayo sobre el Gobierno Civil. Madrid: Aguilar.
- Gorvachev, M. (1996). La búsqueda de un nuevo inicio. San Francisco: State of the World Forum.
- Montesquieu. (1997). Del espíritu de las leyes. México: Porrúa.