Published 2013-11-28
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite,
- Neoplatonism,
- mystical theology,
- De mystica theologia,
- negative way
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In this paper a new Spanish translation of the brief opuscule De mystica theologia (by the Christian Neoplatonic Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite) along with an introduction to the text are presented. The introduction focuses on the analysis of some points that are especially helpful to understand the text at issue: (i) its history and its significance for Neoplatonism and, more importantly, its relevance in terms of a highly original exposition of the Christian doctrine from a Neoplatonic viewpoint; (ii) the importance of this text in Contemporary philosophy (Hegel, Heidegger, Wittgenstein) is also noted; and, finally, (iii) its crucial significance for the so-called "negative theology."
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